25-26 Enrollment & Out of District Information
For the 2025-2026 school year any new nonresident students who are seeking to enroll in and attend the school district must complete an application and return it to the district office prior to June 15, 2025.
Currently enrolled out of district students attending Riley County in the 24-25 school year DO NOT need to reapply. Letters were mailed to out of district parents in October explaining the renewal process. If it is determined by administration that a student is no longer in good standing, per district policy, we will notify you no later than the 2nd Friday of May 2025 if continued enrollment is denied for next school year.
District policy JBCC states that we shall determine our capacity per grade level by May 1st of each year. By June 1st, the district will publish on our website the number of open seats available to nonresident students.
USD #378 will review all nonresident student applications between June 16th and July 15th. We will notify parents by July 30,2025 if the application was denied.
If accepted we will then notify you once our enrollment forms are published and available for you to complete online. Our building Secretaries can assist you in the enrollment process once online enrollment begins.
If you have any questions please email me at eflair@usd378.org.
Dr. Erin Flair, Superintendent